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Fist Of The Heavens

Fist Of The Heavens
  1. Windwalker Artifact Weapon

PvM Fist of the HeavensI'm leveling my new Paladin and decided on going FotH for my main skill. Of course this will mean that I will go conviction as well. I'm wondering on what gear I should roll with for a PvM version of this Paladin.I have decided I want to roll with the 125% FCR breakpoint despite the casting delay.

With this in mind, how many +skills could I look forward to? My wealth isn't too large.

To give you an insight on my wealth, I freaked out when someone gave me a shaftstop.Any suggestions would be welcomed. Re: PvM Fist of the HeavensI wouldn't bother sacrificing other, more useful mods for FCR. The only time it's going to come in handy is for casting Holy Bolt, which you won't be doing all that often (unless you want to be a very speedy healer).With the FoHer I made, I found FoH to be too slow to use as a main attack. It only targets one monster at a time, so with a large pack of non-undead you'll find yourself running away a lot. It is very, very useful against undead packs, as the Holy Bolts can also be quite damaging.I would suggest using Zeal as your main non-undead attack, making sure to get to five hits. If you stack up on elemental damage to go with Conviction, it can be pretty effective.

Using FoH as more of a support skill (comes in handy against ranged attackers), for me at least, worked pretty well. He uses Zeal most of the time, but FoH and HB are great for dealing with the undead, especially in the Chaos Sanctuary (read: those pesky OK's are no match for him).You should check out the Elemental Templar build, which is pretty much what I just described. It's a bit more versatile than a straight FoH build.Hope this info helps out a bit! Re: PvM Fist of the HeavensI hate you guys, you are not my real parents!.runs into his room and plays some crappy emo music.No, seriously. You totally harshed my buzz. Here I was all stoked that I could have a kick arse Paladin and you gotta toss that all out the window.Let's say I'm crazy.

Fist with Conviction are my only attacks, with and act 3 merc. What are my odds of doing Hell in Hardcore? What if I got a druid summoner buddy who can keep the hordes off? Think I can be successful? Re: PvM Fist of the HeavensYou can still have a kick arse FoHdin, you just have to have a decent elemental weapon. Like toastersauce said, Lightsabre would go well with Conviction, as would Stormlash or the Crescent Moon runeword (my FoHer uses a Crescent Moon Cryptic Sword to great effect). There are many other weapons that would work just fine, all you're looking for are elemental damage or CtC elemental spells.

Fist of the Heavens has a 45–60% chance to also be cast at your location. One-Handed Flail. Darklight One-Handed Flail Fist of the Heavens has a 45–60% chance to also be cast at your location.

Fist of the heavens skill

Add something like Tiamat's Rebuke (should be pretty cheap) and your Zeal isn't so bad anymore. All you need are 3 +skills to get to the five-hit Zeal, which should be pretty easy.The elemental weapon isn't even important before you get to Hell. Since you'll be maxing Holy Shock, just use that when you Zeal; I found it to cut through everything until I hit Hell. Basically, when you need to be running Conviction constantly, is when you need that elemental damage.A pure FoHdin running with a friend that has minions would work, but if you can't always play with that buddy, then you're kind of boned.

Re: PvM Fist of the HeavensOr.and get this. Put a dream helm on. You will only need to run convction then. Get a a creastment moon phase blade go for the lowest phsyical dmg possible!!!!!!!

That way IM can't get you. Dracs for the life tap. Even with 1 dream on ur talking 1500ish lightening dmg and with conviction and the extra -35 that creastant moon has you can handle the mobs and use ur FoH to pick off ranged targets/bosses/undead. I bet this would be pretty fast in Chaos.

Windwalker Artifact Weapon

I would keep HoZ for the res and +skills. Maybe add some gores for Crushing blow.I know this is not what you had in mind but i think it could be faster than ur standard FoH and more fun aswell!

Fist Of The Heavens